I interviewed a man named Chad Miller while at Invesco Field.
He was at Invesco to recycle electronic devises.
He states, that "5 million should be recycled, but only 2 million is." He also stated that recycling just "makes common sense" and firmly believes that recycling is more important than throwing away.
To recycle electronics, they have to take all the parts and break them up. They seperate them into plastic, steel and memory chips, and then do with them what they will. In some cases, they reuse them by selling them to people. In other cases, they recycle them and melt them into new parts.
He gave me a website, which can be viewed HERE it is called, "Think Green."
One part of this site that I found interesting was that they can make landfill waste into renewable energy. They can power 400,000 homes every day from just this.
Here is what the site said about this project. "That offsets almost 2 million tons of coal per year. These projects also reduce emissions of greenhouses gases into the atmosphere – an added bonus for our environment. Waste Management currently has 110 landfill gas-to-energy facilities and is working toward a widespread implementation for the future."
I think this is an interesting point in our project, because it shows that people can make energy from waste. This could be beneficial to humans in many ways. This could mean we do not have to burn fossil fuels as much, and it means we are doing a renewable energy everyone can take part in.
Board Plan
15 years ago