
This board is designed to show the significance of recycling and how
much energy can be saved. It shows that it is effective in the respect that it helps with the fossil fuel consumption as well as helping to preserve our earth. It also shows it is not hard, but people simply do not have enough understanding or care.

Rubber cement
Construction paper
Matting board


First Day with bin

Total Recyclables in Bin
9 items

6 yes, 3 no

69 items

20 yes = 29%

49 no= 71%

General Information

Title: Reduce Reuse Recycle:

Question: How prevalent are the Three R's, and how could they influence energy consumption?

Purpose: To determine the knowledge of recycling in various individuals.

Conclusion for survey:
The general populace has some prior knowledge of recycling, but very few know a good deal about it. People know there are ways to recycle, but many do not utilize this information as well as possible. When we asked people to circle the recyclables given, the majority of people got anywhere between 67% to 92%. This shows us, the majority of people do not realize the range of recyclable items, but still know enough to make a slight impact on the environment.

Trashcan Jackson Data, First 3 Days

G4 Trashcan Jackson

Day 1
Total: 213

Recyclables: 55 items 26%
Trash: 158 items 74%

Day 2
Total: 81

Recyclables: 21 items 26%
Trash: 60 items 74%

Day 3
Total: 89

Recyclables: 27 items 30%
Trash: 62 items 70%

Energy Data to support our point

Energy Data
In just America, 35 billion aluminum cans are thrown away every year. If all of these cans were recycled, it would it would save the equivalent of 150 Exxon Valdez oil spills.* The energy savings are so great, that in 1992, the energy savings could power a city the size of Pittsburg for 6 years. Using these statistics, one aluminum can can power a TV for three hours.

*Famous oil spill, one of the most devastating human-caused environment disaster. Spanned across 1,300 square miles and spilled 10.8 million U.S. gallons of crude oil.

By recycling one ton of Glass, you can save 10 gallons of oil. And recycling one glass bottle saves the energy needed to light a 100-watt bulb for four hours.

Americans, in newsprint, throw away the equivalent of 30 million trees a year. In office paper, americans throw away 4 million tons, which is enough to build a 12 foot tall wall from California to New York. For every ton of that paper, the amount of energy that can be salvaged is equivalent to approximately four barrels of oil, 4200 kilowatt hours of energy and enough energy to heat and air-condition the an American home for 6 months. It also creates 35% less water pollution and 74% less air pollution.

Plastics are made from petroleum. In 1987, America used about 1 billion barrels of oil which was enough to meet the oil demand for imported oil for about five months. However, it all went to making plastics. The average American uses about 200 pounds of plastic in a year and about 60 pounds of it for packaging. Americans use 4 million plastic bottles every hour and only 25% of them are recycled.

Annually, by recycling steel, enough energy is saved to supply Los Angeles with 10 years of energy. However, only 30% is recycled. By making tin cans from recycled steel, only one fourth of the energy is needed, as opposed to creating the new steel.It also creates only one fourth of the water and air pollution as opposed to making new.

In just America, enough Aluminum is thrown away that could rebuilt the air fleet 71 times, enough steel to recreate Manhattan, and enough Wood to heat 5 million homes for 200 years.

Recycling uses far less energy than recreating materials. The following are the percentage of energy salvaged.

Aluminum at 95%
Copper at 85%
Plastics at 80%
Steel at 74%
Lead at 65%
Paper at 64%

Trashcan Jackson

Trashcan Jackson

Research Question:
We are going to investigate how much people throwaway when they could recycle, and how much people recycle that should be thrown away.


We believe that there is going to be a large percentage of thrown away goods that could be recycled. We also believe that although there is a recycle bin next to the trashes, there will still be a good amount that is thrown away that could be recycled. We also think that in the recycle bins there will be some, but not a ton, of recycled goods that should have been thrown away. All of this points to our overall point for this project as a whole; that we believe there is not enough understanding about recycling and that recycling could be much more effective and could help the planet if people understood.


Control: The trashcans used, what is considered trash/recyclables
Independent Variable: The absence or presence of the recycling bin
Dependent Variable: How much trash/recycling is collected

4 trashcans to collect trash
One trashcan to put the collected trash into
Recycle bins

1) Decide which 4 trashcans to use
2) After lunch for 3 days collect the bins. *NOTE Do not have recycle bins in the area
3) Count how much trash is in each trash can, and how many recyclables there are in the trash cans.
4) Replace the bins
5) On the fourth day, put at least 2 recycle bins in the hallway you chose to have the trashcans in.
6) Count the trash in the trashcan, as well as the recyclables
7) Count what is recyclable in the recycle bin. Also take note if any non-recyclables are in the bin.

Data: (There is a different post for these Data collections)

What we still need to do:

One more day of trashcans
Three more days of Trashcans/recycling

The "Problem" Portion of our Board

Research Question: We are investigating how recycling is related to energy use in our everyday life, and what the significance is when applied to reducing, reusing and recycling.

Hypothesis: We believe that energy can be saved using the recycling. However, even if this is true, we must make recycling more prevalent because people do not recycle to the full extent that they could. People may have distored perception of the costs and benefits of recycling. We hypothesis that even though recycling is well known and people are aware of it, they may not realize exactly how much they could benefit the world.

Trash Can experiment: We will pick 5 trashcans in the school. If there is a recycle bin next to them, for the first week we will take this away. For three days, we will go through the trash and see how many recyclables are NOT being recycled, and are thrown away. The next week, we will place recycle bins next to the trash cans, and do the same process, only this time we will also see how many recylables were recycled.

Here are the following questions:
Do you recycle?
Do you own a recycling bin?
What do you recycle?
Circling recyclables: Tin foil, cigarette butts, plastic bottles, glass bottles, window glass, plastic caps, toothpaste tubes, Styrofoam plates, aerosol cans, wax paper, wrapping paper
Do you ever reuse items? Is so, what? If not, why?
Write here, about you and your blog.
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